For October 2019 (part 2)
Hi Monica,
Consider yourself lucky! Two newsletters in one month! I am behind in getting updates out and there is a lot to share right now so please read everything.
We are collecting items again this year for Clothes for Kids and Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County. Please read more details below.
I asked on Facebook if text messages to remind people to RSVP would be helpful and many said it would not. However, there were enough people who said it would be helpful so I will experiment through the end of this year with it. The service does cost money so this will be a service for our paid members to begin with.
I am also experimenting with adding a bunco night 4x a year to our calendar. One of these will be our Anniversary Party so it will be free for our paid members. All other bunco nights will cost $5 to play. Plus, there is the expectation to purchase food/drinks please budget about $25 for a fun night out. Make sure to RSVP to the Oct 30th event!