Sunday, November 10, 2019

November Monthly Newsletter

Heart to Heart Meeting Reminders for the month of November


For November 2019
Hi Monica, 

Thank you to everyone who filled out a survey as they were very helpful in moving forward. The good news is there are going to be some great changes ahead so I encourage you to attend a meeting to see what is changing! I will try to summarize things below but it will be easier to attend a meeting and see in person. 
I am also adding a special drawing for a free dinner that will be only open to new attendees (or people we haven't seen in a while) and the people who invited them. I will do this at least through the end of this year. 
I am sad that our Oct Bunco Night had to be cancelled but there were not enough attendees. I could not find an available date at Shawn O'Donnell's for our next one so it will be held at Inspark instead. Since it costs money to rent Inspark and I will be providing some heavy appetizers for everyone, the cost will be collected upfront. I will still need a minimum of 20 people to RSVP or the event will be cancelled. I hope the new date works for everyone!