Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July Monthly Newsletter

Heart to Heart Meeting Reminders for the month of July


For July 2019
Hi Monica, 

Hey, guess what? Am I really sending out a newsletter just one month after the last one? Good news from me! Since I am on vacation almost the whole month of August, this may be the last one until September. ;) 
I hate to keep harping on this subject but I will keep talking about it until I am blue in the face. RSVP. Please. We have 5-6 events per year (bunco anniversary, speakers, holiday party) that it super duper matters. I have now instituted a policy that there will be a $5 charge if you show up without RSVP'ing at those 5-6 special events. If you aren't a paying member, it will cost $5 to attend these special events. 
However, it is still quite important that you RSVP to EVERY. SINGLE. MEETING. Why? For an example, we had 8 people who attended our last meeting without RSVP'ing. We ran out of food. It just takes a lot longer to get everyone fed as the kitchen has to prepare more chicken. 
I also need your help this week as I have an event about Japan on Thursday July 11th at 6:30pm at InSpark in Lynnwood. We have free food and beverages and my presenter is flying in from Colorado. I want to make sure there are people there! Please reply to this email if you can come or register online as I am ordering food today and I need to know how much to order. 