Monday, June 10, 2019

June Monthly Newsletter

Heart to Heart Meeting Reminders for the month of April


For June 2019
Hi Monica, 

It seems I can only send these out every few months. I will try to be better but no promises. You will just have to keep coming to our meetings to stay in touch with what we are doing. ;)
If you missed my update from last month on our Facebook Group, here you go...
I also wanted to give an update since we were a little light on attendance at the last meeting. I just have to say that 2018 was a bad year financially. Meetup screwed up and I went for about 6 months without income from dues and then when I got the website, it was double what I had budgeted. So yeah, that sucked. Right now, I am good but I can only hope it will carry me through the end of the year. If you haven't paid your dues or let it lapse or whatever... please pay as it is critical for me to keep the group going. No dues increase until the end of the year when I will re-evaluated again.
I did take another look ahead for the year and things look OK but I am still a little concerned. I have decided to eliminate Meetup entirely by Dec 1, 2019 as my next payment goes through a few days later. Meetup is now charging tax so it is a $200/year expense that we no longer utilize. It doesn't make sense keeping it. 
Finally, I made a few changes to the meetings where we have speakers, holiday party and the anniversary party. See below for more info!