Thursday, July 28, 2016

August Remond Meeting Cancelled

We forgot that the August Redmond meeting was cancelled so we will see you again in September! Also, it looks like we will be changing to a twice a month format starting in October to the 1st and 3rd Wed. Stay tuned for more details!

~Monica & Kristina~

This message was sent by Meetup on behalf of Monica Hubinette from Heart to Heart Women's Networking.

Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 |

Friday, July 15, 2016

Heart to Heart July 25th Reminder

Heart to Heart Reminder: July 25th
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Heart to Heart Reminder

July 25, 2016

Hi Monica,

If you attended the meeting on 6/27 with Monty Reed as our speaker, please fill out this short survey as it helps me see the value in adding speakers to our lineup and also what topics you want to see covered next. It is very, very helpful and only 5 people out of almost 40 filled out the survey.

I have one more Spotlight Table opening on Aug 8th for $15 so let me know if you want it!

We are doing a poll on Meetup to see what dates work best for our Redmond meeting. We would like to move to a twice a month format but we cannot do that on Thursday. I tweaked the poll a little so if you voted or decided not to vote for some reason before, please check it out again. It is anonymous so vote now!

We would like your RSVP for our next H2H Adventure Night as we are going to sing (or point and laugh) karaoke in Kirkland on Thursday July 21st at 8pm. It is Ladies Night and I don't believe there is a cover charge or any cost involved unless you want to eat or drink at the venue. Also, we have scheduled our next H2H Adventure Night and it will be a pool party at Molly Klipp's home/salon on Aug 24th at 6pm. There is no cost for this event either as it will be a potluck.

Finally, please don't forget to RSVP to our next meeting on July 25th! If you already did so, please share the event or invite a friend! Speaking of RSVPs, please make sure that you do as it helps us plan for food and the space. I prefer Meetup as it is the easiest for us to track and update. There were about half a dozen people who just showed up without an RSVP at our last meeting. It offsets those who RSVP and never show so in the end it mostly balances out but there are some nights when I grossly under or over estimate our attendance.

NORTHEND July 25th Meetup RSVP
EASTSIDE Aug 4th Meetup RSVP
NORTHEND July 25th Eventbrite RSVP
EASTSIDE Aug 4th Eventbrite RSVP

Monday, July 11, 2016

New Poll! Vote for new Redmond dates!

I added a new poll to the group so please go and vote for the best dates that work for you to attend our Redmond meetings. Your feedback is much appreciated!!

See you tonight at the Northend meeting at Shawn O'Donnell's at 6:30pm. It isn't too late to RSVP!


Friday, July 1, 2016

Heart to Heart Happenings in July

Heart to Heart Happens - July 2016
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Heart to Heart Happenings

July 2016

Hi Monica,

We had a great month for our meetings! We had 8 members attend our Eastside meeting, 29 members attend the 6/13 Northend meeting and 30 members attend our special speaker event on 6/27. I got some great feedback on our speaker Monty Reed and if you attended the meeting, I would really appreciate if you could fill out this short survey. The survey helps me know how beneficial it was to you and also it helps me gauge interest for future topics for our group.

I have had the signups for the Spotlight Tables slow down so I am having a SUMMER SALE for the months of July and August. If you want a spot, scroll down for the available dates and let me know if you want a spot.

We also have a date scheduled for our next Adventure Outing! We will be doing Karaoke in Kirkland on July 21st. Please see the event on Meetup and RSVP!

EASTSIDE July 7th Meetup RSVP
EASTSIDE July 7th Eventbrite RSVP
NORTHEND July 11th Meetup RSVP
NORTHEND July 11th Eventbrite RSVP