Tuesday, March 15, 2016

REMINDER: Mar 28th Meeting Info

Hi ladies!

I just wanted to give a quick update after our last meeting which was our biggest attendence so far. We had 41 attendees and we went past 8:30pm for the first time in ... well ever from what I can remember. I want to honor and respect your time so we will either have to start reducing the individual commercials to 45 seconds -OR- only have 1 spotlight table (which means less revenue for me to host speakers or special events) -OR- add more time to our meetings. What is your preference?

In the meantime, you can help us out by arriving at 6:30pm, pay for your buffet plate and get your food so we don't have everyone doing it at the last minute. I know you all want to visit and say hello to each other but we need to move things along more effeciently.

I have also a quick survey for the attendees of the meeting on March 14th to fill out. If you have a topic you would like to hear from next and you didn't attend, please just reply to this email with your requested topic.


Please do me a *HUGE* favor and RSVP to our events if you know you will be attending. It makes it very hard to plan for enough seats and food at our events if you don't tell us you are coming. I had about 8 people I was not accounting for and we almost ran out of food. The same goes for updating your RSVP if you can no longer make it. Please let someone know (email, text, Facebook, message, etc.) that you can no longer attend. I prefer that people RSVP on Meetup as it helps me manage our attendance and is simpler to add/remove RSVPs.

RSVP on Meetup for the meeting on 3/28:

RSVP on Eventbrite for the meeting on 3/28:

See you soon!
You have attended one of our events or asked to be signed up for our mailing list.

Our mailing address is:
Monica, Your Travel Gal
PO Box Hidden
Bothell, WA 98021

Our telephone:

Forward this email to a friend:

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

H2H March 14 Reminder - Special Speaker

Heart to Heart Reminder: March 14 Special Speaker 
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Heart to Heart Reminder

March 14, 2016

Hi Monica,

I just wanted to remind you of our next meeting on March 14th (yes that is TOMORROW!) which will have a special speaker to talk to us about the importance of using proper networking ettiquite and what to do after you attend a networking event. This will be a presentation for new and seasoned networkers alike! I am very pleased to welcome Tracey Warren who is a Social Media Superhero and she was also the founder of Heart to Heart Networking! We will not have spotlight tables at this meeting to make room for her presentation. Let me know your feedback on this type of an event as I can bring in other speakers a few times a year.

Please don't forget to RSVP and if you already did so, please share the event or invite a friend!

Just a reminder that you have been added to our mailing list because you have attended one of our meetings AND you are NOT a member of our Meetup group. If you are getting our messages in both places and would rather just get it in one, please unsubscribe to the duplicate mailing. I don't want to spam anyone and we make a point of mentioning this at every meeting so I am just trying to be mindful of our rules. :)

EASTSIDE Mar 14th Meetup RSVP
NORTHEND Mar 14th Eventbrite RSVP

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Heart to Heart Happenings in March

Heart to Heart Happens - March 2016
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Heart to Heart Happenings

March 2016

Hi Monica,

First of all, I want to announce our new home for the Northend meetings will be at Shawn O'Donnell's! The feedback has been wonderful and the buffet was a much better option than ordering individually. It seems we are getting 25-35 attendees at every meeting so we can meet the food/bev minimums and have enough people to have the buffet option. I also thought it was a very reasonable cost as well. Also, there is still plenty of room to grow! If you have any questions or feedback on this venue, please let me know.

Our next meeting on March 14th will have a special speaker to talk to us about the importance of using proper networking ettiquite and what to do after you attend a networking event. This will be a presentation for new and seasoned networkers alike! I am very pleased to welcome Tracey Warren who is a Social Media Superhero and she was also the founder of Heart to Heart Networking! We will not have spotlight tables at this meeting to make room for her presentation. Let me know your feedback on this type of an event as I can bring in other speakers 2-3x a year.

Just a reminder that you have been added to our mailing list because you have attended one of our meetings AND you are NOT a member of our Meetup group. If you are getting our messages in both places and would rather just get it in one, please unsubscribe to the duplicate mailing. I don't want to spam anyone and we make a point of mentioning this at every meeting so I am just trying to be mindful of our rules. :)

EASTSIDE Mar 3rd Eventbrite RSVP
EASTSIDE Mar 3rd Meetup RSVP
NORTHEND Mar 14th Eventbrite RSVP
NORTHEND Mar 14th Meetup RSVP