Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Heart to Heart Happenings in Sep

Heart to Heart Happens - Sep 2016
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Heart to Heart Happenings

Sep 2016

Hi Monica,

We had a great meeting with Nikki Rausch on 8/22 and I got a lot of great feedback from the people who attended. This is the final call to ask our attendees to fill out a short survey to rate our speaker. It gives me great feedback that I can use to plan for the next speaker. The survey is anonymous!

Again, if you are interested in helping out with some administrative tasks of this group, please review this list of tasks and the instructions how each task should be completed. There are names listed next to the task and that is the current task owner but we would like more people to sign up so we can have a backup in case someone is sick or out of town. I would like to hire within the group as it will be a lot cheaper than if I have to hire outside the group. I have money that I can spend on this but I won't have enough reserves to pay people long term so there will be changes to the cost of the Spotlight Tables, Meetup Advertising, and some new opportunities as well. Please read all the details below.

Finally, some news about our Eastside chapter from Kristina!

"Something new is coming! H2H Eastside will be moving to Tuesdays! Starting in September we will meet TWICE a month. We will have our last Thursday meeting on the 1st, and then meet on Tuesday September 20. That's right, come and network with the most amazing women twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Canyons in Remond. Plenty of parking, plenty of laughing, and plenty of networking. Thanks Kim Pelham for hosting on September 1. ~Kristina~"

EASTSIDE Sep 1st Meetup RSVP
NORTHEND Sep 12th Meetup RSVP
Monty with Slam Cooking
Monty with Slam Cooking - Ask how to earn $200 in FREE groceries delivered to your door. 
EASTSIDE Sep 1st Eventbrite RSVP
NORTHEND Sep 12th Eventbrite RSVP
Emily with Windermere Real Estate
Emily with Windermere Real Estate - There's No Place Like Home

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Speaker Survey for 8/22

If you attended our meeting on Aug 22nd, please fill out this short survey as it really helps me plan for more speakers and to evaluate how helpful the speakers have been for your business.



This message was sent by Meetup on behalf of Monica Hubinette from Heart to Heart Women's Networking.
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | support@meetup.com

Monday, August 22, 2016

My apologies!

I was trying to clean up our Meetup calendar and I accidently deleted the meeting for our Eastside group on Sept 1st. There were several RSVPs and I don't know who those people were so please RSVP again if you can attend. Sorry!


Next time, remind me not to mess with the Meetup calendar at 1am. ;)

Kristina is planing on moving to a twice a month format and the new format will begin after Sept 1st. We wanted to keep the THURSDAY meeting on Sept 1st because we already had RSVPs. Here is what we posted on our Facebook page. An email will go out soon as well.

"H2H Eastside is moving to twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays starting September 20. Come and join us twice in September on THURSDAY September 1, and TUESDAY September 20. At Canyons in Remond. Plenty of parking, plenty of laughing, and plenty of networking."


This message was sent by Meetup on behalf of Monica Hubinette from Heart to Heart Women's Networking. Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | support@meetup.com

Monday, August 15, 2016

Heart to Heart Happenings in Aug

Heart to Heart Happens - Aug 2016
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Heart to Heart Happenings

Aug 2016

Hi Monica,

Thank you to Heather Pybas for running the last meeting for me as I was at a women's conference in Dallas. I missed everyone but I also had some great breakthroughs at the conference so look for some changes over the next few months. It sounds like Heather did a great job and we had a great turnout too. We had 7 people who showed up but didn't RSVP. I ask that you PLEASE let us know if you are coming to the meeting or not so we can have an accurate headcount for food. It is always a pleasant surprise to have more than we expected but sometimes it goes the other way and that can be frustrating for the venue as they prepared more food than what we could support in our attendance.

One of my breakthroughs is that I have decided that I can no longer do everything and I am falling behind in my tasks for this group. I was the behind the scenes gal long before I ran the show so I cannot continue to do everything. If you are willing to help out with some administrative tasks, please contact me. I would like to hire within the group as it will be a lot cheaper than if I have to hire outside the group. I have money that I can spend on this but I won't have enough reserves to pay people long term so there will be changes to the cost of the Spotlight Tables, Meetup Advertising, and some new opportunities as well. Please read all the details below.

So, with all that said I am super excited to welcome Nikki Rausch as our guest speaker at our Northend meeting on 8/22. She will be talking to us about "Buying Signals: Converting Casual Conversations Into Sales". Please make sure to RSVP, invite your business women friends and share the event on Facebook or email.

Don't forget that we have our next Adventure Outing! We will be doing a fun pool party at Molly Klipp's home and office in Lynnwood on Wed 8/24. Please see the event on Meetup and RSVP!

Finally, we are skipping the August meeting for our Eastside chapter and we will be moving to a twice a month format starting in September! See below for more details.

EASTSIDE Sep 1st Meetup RSVP
Monty with Slam Cooking
Monty with Slam Cooking - Ask how to earn $200 in FREE groceries delivered to your door. 
NORTHEND Aug 22nd Eventbrite RSVP - SPEAKER
EASTSIDE Sep 1st Eventbrite RSVP
Emily with Windermere Real Estate
Emily with Windermere Real Estate - There's No Place Like Home

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Last chance to vote!

We will be closing our poll in a few weeks so this is your last chance to give us your input on the new dates for our Redmond meetings. We are ready to move the Redmond meeting to a twice a month format and that means we need to change the day of the week the meetings fall on. Go here to vote!


~Monica & Kristina~

This message was sent by Meetup on behalf of Monica Hubinette from Heart to Heart Women's Networking.
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | support@meetup.com

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Reminder: RSVP for Northend 2nd Monday Meeting

I am sorry for the late notice but I have been in Dallas the last few days and haven't had time for a regular newsletter. I need help gals! I cannot do it alone and if you want to continue to grow and nurture your networking group, please contact me if you are willing to step up and help this group thrive.

Heart to Heart Networking Meeting
Monday Aug 8th @ 6:30pm

RSVP on Meetup:

RSVP on Eventbrite:

Also, there is no Eastside meeting for the month of August so see you in September!

Just a reminder that you have been added to our mailing list because you have attended one of our meetings AND you are NOT a member of our Meetup group. If you are getting our messages in both places and would rather just get it in one, please unsubscribe to the duplicate mailing. I don't want to spam anyone and we make a point of mentioning this at every meeting so I am just trying to be mindful of our rules. :)

Our mailing address is:
Monica, Your Travel Gal
19410 Hwy 99, Suite A119
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Our telephone: